Organ Donor I hopped into the doctor's office. The waiting room was empty. What a relief. I signed in and I was immediately escorted back. Wow. They took a few X-rays of my left foot. I asked the tech to see the results and snapped a couple of pictures on my iPhone. One X-ray clearly looked like trouble. The heel bone looked like something was ripped off the back of it. I self diagnosed that the Achilles tendon had been ripped from the bone, taking some bone with it. Was I correct? The tech wouldn't say. As I was being walked to a room, I told the nurse that I was so impressed with how fast they were treating me. She said, "Oh honey, you got lucky. It ain't never like this. We just open for a couple hours today and didn't really book no one." I said, "Can you please give me a list of the coming days where you have the same kind of schedule? I like it like this." She said, "I guess you ain't never com'en back." She put me...